[A book for students and music lovers about the social background of early opera and its artistic development. "...this scholarly and very readable survey" (British Books); "The book is excellent value" (Music and Musicians); "Dr. Robinson's excellent book clothes the skeleton with flesh and traces the growing pains of the young art-form between 1600 and 1781, the year of Mozart's Idomeneo" (The Times Literary Supplement)]
[A book detailing the development of opera in Naples during the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. "Meticulously researched and engagingly written" (Times Literary Supplement); "At last the 'Oxford Monographs on Music' has sponsored a really first-rate piece of scholarship" (Music and Musicians)]
[A monograph surveying archival evidence of the governance of one of the four Neapolitan conservatories of music between 1660 and 1800]
[A catalogue providing the thematic incipits and source details of the music of the Italian composer Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816). "The Paisiello volume [vol 1] by Michael Robinson and Ulrike Hofmann is not just a contribution to its field but the cornerstone on which all further research will build" (Notes)
Also articles and reviews in:
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, Dizionario Enciclopedico Universale della Musica e dei Musicisti, Chigiana, Early Music, Haydn Yearbook, Musical Times, Music and Letters, Soundings, etc.This page last updated 8/5/16